You shall not pass through the tunnel
You shall not pass through the tunnel
A game in 560 characters of code for TweetTweetJam 4
How far will you go through the tunnel before crashing?
This game was made for #TweetTweetJam and contains only 560 characters of code, including art. The code is below:
_set_fps(60)h=0::s::p,t,m,n,l,x,y,w={},-3,64,128,60,0,0,btn for i=1,n do p[i]=1+rnd()+i/n end::_::cls()t+=.01 if(w(0))x+=2 if(w(1))x-=2 if(w(2))y+=2 if(w(3))y-=2 x,y,s=mid(-l,x,l),mid(-l,y,l),flr(t)for i=0,3 do line(m,m,x+(i%2)*n,y+flr(i/2)*n,12)end for i=1,#p do z=#p-i-t if mid(z,5)==z then k=1/(.5+z)a,b,c=m-(m-x)*k,m-(m-y)*k,n*k d,f=c,40*k rect(a,b,a+c,b+d,4)g,e=z<.1 and 2 or 1,(p[i]*t)%2 if(e>1)e=2-e if i%2>0 then a+=(c-f)*e c=f else b+=(d-f)*e d=f end rectfill(a,b,a+c,b+d,g)end end if(pget(m,m)==2)h=max(s,h)goto s ?"s: "..s.." h: "..h,6 flip()goto _
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