Ramparts defender (TweetTweetJam 7)

Orcs are attacking your fortress. Do not leave them climb the wall. A game in 557 characters of code for TweetTweetJam 7
Controls: Left / Right / Fire
Important notice: Player drops soft props boulders. Orcs fall to a swimming pool filled with clean water. No orc is harmed.
PICO-8 Source Code:
_set_fps(60)h=0::s::x=61u=0v=4p={}t=0m=.2s=0f=fillp::_::cls(1)t-=m/20 if(t<0)t+=1d=rnd(2)\1*2-1add(p,{x=64-64*d,y=123,z=rnd(122),u=d,v=0}) ?s ?h f(♥+☉)rectfill(0,16,128,128,66)f() b=btn()x+=5*m*((b&2)/2-(b&1))x=mid(x,122) if v<=4 then u=x if(btn(4))v+=8*m else v+=8*m if(v>128)v=4u=x end ?"웃",x,11,12 ?"●",u,v,10 for q in all(p)do q.x+=q.u*m q.y+=q.v*m ?"웃\n \v1|",q.x,q.y,11 if((q.u>0and q.x>q.z)or(q.u<0and q.x<q.z))q.u=0q.v=-1 if(q.v<=0and abs(u-q.x)<5and abs(v-q.y)<3)q.u=0q.v=8 if(q.y<13)h=max(s,h)goto s if(q.y>123)del(p,q)s+=1m+=.005 end flip()goto _
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