Avoid Boulders 500
Avoid the boulders. A tiny TweetTweetJam-8 entry in 499 characters of code.
_set_fps(60)h=0::s::x=64y=64s=0p={}?"\asacc.cgg.ccgg" ::_::cls(1)?s,6 ?h b=btn()x=mid(8,x+b\2%2-b%2,120)y=mid(8,y+b\8%2-b\4%2,120) if #p<4+s\10then a=4+rnd(116)b=rnd(4)\1c=b\2d=1-c*2e=0f=0u=d*(.8+rnd(.4))g=rnd(16)v=u if b%2>0then e=c*144-g v=0f=a else f=c*144-g u=0e=a end add(p,{x=e,y=f,u=u,v=v,l=160,c=8+rnd(8)}) end for q in all(p)do ?"🅾️",q.x-3,q.y-2,q.c q.x+=q.u q.y+=q.v q.l-=1 if(max(abs(q.x-x),abs(q.y-y))<4)h=max(s,h)goto s if(q.l<0)del(p,q)s+=1?"\as9cge",0,0 end ?"웃",x-3,y-2,7 flip()goto _
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I'm glad you liked it. It's the kind of simple game that challenges you and doesn't feel too unfair despite rocks keep coming out randomly.