1K Racing #Pico1k
1K Racing
Top view racing game. A game in 1021 Compressed Bytes of code for PICO-1K Jam 2024 #Pico1k
Welcome to the top-notch in 1K top view racing games.
- Smooth gameplay.
- The car really skids.
- Realistic wireframe car graphics.
- Choose one of 4 available tracks.
- Make 3 laps as fast as you can without leaving the track.
- Opponent cars AI carefully fine tuned.
- Time trial: try to beat your own time.
- Minimap.
- Left/Right: turn car left/right
- Button X/O: throttle and brake
_set_fps(60)l=1o=2h={100,100,100,100}w={"8888888888888999999998888888888888899999999999999888888888888886666668888888888888899999999999999888888888888889999999988888888888", "88888999999998888888888888889999999988888888888888999999999999999988888888886666666688888888889999999999999999888888888", "88888999999998888888888888889::::::988888888888888887666666788888888888889:::::::9888888888888888889::9998888888", "88888999999998888888888888889:::::998888888888888889::::::::::988888888888888899:::::98888888888888889999999988888888"} ::s::i=1s=t()m={}f={} for k=1,4do a=cos(k/4)*10b=sin(k/4)*10 m[k]={x=64+a,y=64+b,a=a,b=b,z=0,u=0,v=0,k=.8-k*.3,r=0,i=2} end ::_::cls(5)n=1q=m[n] camera(q.x-64,q.y-64) for k=0,1do d=64e=64c=0 for i=1,#w[l]do pset(d*.04+q.x\1+32,e*.04+q.y\1-32,1) if(i>#f)f[i]={x=d,y=e} c+=ord(w[l],i)/32-1.75 a=cos(c)*8b=sin(c)*8 for j=1,4do circfill(d,e,28-k*4,k>0and 13or j\2%2+7) d+=a e+=b end end end pset(q.x*.04+q.x\1+32,q.y*.04+q.y\1-32,9) for n=4,1,-1do q=m[n] if o<1do if n<2do a=btn()or 32 d=a\2%2-a%2 e=a\32%2-a\16%2 q.z+=d/128 a=cos(q.z)b=sin(q.z) c=abs(q.u*a+b*q.v) if(q.k<.95and c>.7)q.k+=.01 if(q.k>.1and c<.3)q.k-=.01 if(q.k<.95)?"\as0i7e",0,0 else a=(f[q.i].x-q.x+q.a)/16b=(f[q.i].y-q.y+q.b)/16 c=(.5+atan2(a,-b)-q.z)%1-.5 q.z+=mid(c,-.01,.01) a=cos(q.z)b=sin(q.z) e=abs(c)<.002and -1or 0 end q.r=max(q.r*.98-e/18) q.u=(q.u-q.r*a)*q.k+q.r*a q.v=(q.v+q.r*b)*q.k-q.r*b end a=(f[q.i].x-q.x)/16b=(f[q.i].y-q.y)/16 c=sqrt(a*a+b*b) if(c<3)q.i+=1if(q.i==#w[l])q.i=1if(n<2)i+=1 end if(pget(q.x,q.y)!=13)q.u*=.95q.v*=.95q.r*=.95 for n=4,1,-1do q=m[n] a=cos(q.z)b=sin(q.z) line() for j=1,2do for i=.125,1.25,.25do d=j*cos(i)*4e=sin(i)*4 line(q.x\1+d*a+b*e,q.y\1+e*a-b*d,8+n) end end q.x+=q.u q.y+=q.v end camera() if o<1do p=(t()-s)*100\1/100 ?"time:"..p,0,0,6 ?"best:"..h[l] ?"lap:"..i if(q.i==2and i>3)h[l]=min(h[l],p)o=1 elseif o<2do ?"\^w\^ttime:"..p,4,16,9 ?"\^w\^tbest:"..h[l] if(btnp(5))o=2flip()goto s else ?"\^w\^t1k racing",4,16,9 ?"track ⬅️"..l.."➡️",11 ?"best:"..h[l] a=btnp()l=1+(l-1+a\2%2-a%2)%#w if(btnp(4))o=0flip()goto s end flip()goto _
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Really impressive!!!!!- thanks for sharing. Dream :would be nice with option to be in vertical orientation , with car in lower 1/4 like in the F1-Sprint remastered version by braingames. had to get my wish out there. track map is awsome!!!
very cool, I like how the map fades out when it is over the track
Yep, that's a bug I was forced to make in order to save some compressed bytes.Yep, That's an important feature I consciously added to improve road visibility and reduce distractions for the focused player. Good catch!Nice game! Remind me Micro Machines on Sega Mega Drive :D
Thanks! In the 80s and 90s some very good top down racing games were made: Super Sprint, Hot Rod, Super Off Road, Slicks, Badlands, Super Cars, Death Rally, Micro Machines, .... just to name a few I can remember. I played many of them a lot when I was young. This is a tribute to all those fun old games.