1K Overtake #Pico1k
Overtake other cars. Your car is much faster, but loses speed when it collides with other cars.
A game in 1022 Compressed Bytes of code for PICO-1K Jam 2022 #Pico1k
poke(24405,0)?"\^:5a7e7e9a7dbe7dbe\n\^:7dbe590000000000",8,0,1 poke(24405,96)_set_fps(60)h=0z=0::s::x=64y=0w=.2s=1q=0j=0t=-1p={}r={}n={30}a=25for i=2,20do n[i]=a\1+n[i-1]a*=.9end a=1for i=1,9999do r[i]=.2*sin(i/64)b=(a+rnd(1.6))%2p[i]=.1+.8*min(b,2-b)a+=rnd(.1)end ::_::pal(({{-4,-15,-3,-13,-11,-14,7,8},{1,-4,3,-12,2,5,7,8},{1,12,-5,4,13,13,7,7}})[s%3+1],1)cls(3)m=(z>>16)+1rectfill(0,0,127,15,2) if(j>0)t+=1 if(j==1)w=min(w+.002,m)z+=w b=btn()a=b\2%2-b%2y+=a x-=2*a for i=0,127do c=(y+i)/20d=r[c%#r\1+1] d+=c%1*(r[(c+1)%#r\1+1]-d)rect(i,15,i,8-8*d,4)end g=0k=48+x/4a=k for l=1,2do for y=0,111do i=l>1and y+16or 127-y b=114/(i-14)c=(z+b)/20d=r[c%#r\1+1] d+=c%1*(r[(c+1)%#r\1+1]-d)e=80/b if(l<2)rect(a-e,i,a+e,i,c%64<.02and 7or(c%2>1and 5or 6)) a+=l<2and d*b or-d*b f=(z/20+b/2)%#r\1+1 if(l>1and g!=f)pal(1,8+f%4)u=a-e+2*e*p[f]v=i sspr(8,0,8,11,u-12/b,v-5/b,24/b,11/b,z&1>0)g=f if l>1and i==112then pal(1,1)sspr(8,0,8,11,52+k-x,112,24,11,z&1>0) if(j==1)x+=3*d*w if(abs(64-u+k-x)<16and abs(v-112)<12)w=max(w/2,m/4) end end end if(abs(x-64)>76)w=max(m/4,w*.98) a=w*290\1b=n[s]-t\60 if(j>0)?"\^w"..a.."kph s:"..s.." t:"..max(b),1,1,7 if j<1then ?"\^w\^tovertake",32,32,7 ?"\n\nscore:"..z\1 ?"\n\nhighscore:"..h\1 if(btnp(4))z=0j=1 end if(j>1and t>q)h=max(h,z)goto s if(j==1and b<0)j=2q=t+180o="time over" if(j==1and z>1280*s)s+=1q=t+120o="extend" if(j==1and z>32000)j=2q=t+180o="finish" if(t<q and(q-t)%60>30)?"\^w\^t"..o,64-4*#o,24,7 if(j==1and t%16<1)a=chr(97+(min(7,7*w-6))\1%7).."."?"\as4i7"..a..a..a..a flip()goto _
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Ah, back when Activision wasn't a scummy megastudio!
At first, I wanted to recreate the gameplay of Enduro for the Atari 2600, which is a very good game. I found it too difficult to fit into the jam size limits, so I did some changes, trying to keep as much of the feeling. Activision games made in those years were really amazing.
Certainly feels like a bite-sized version. While you ended up taking the actual overtake requirement, the time limit is tight enough that you still need to weave around dozens of cars each lap to beat the clock. It was simple arcade action like that what made Activsion so great back then.
Awesome! This gave me massive ZX Spectrum nostalgia!
That was great. I was humming the music from "Rad Racer" as I played. gameplay-wise, this is one of the best entries of played. Really fun! loved the changing time of day.